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Magical appearances

Published: Wed, 10/16/13

Hi I can make cars appear out of nowhere. I did it earlier this yearwith Peugeot 205s and I did it a few years ago with Citroen C15vans and I did it…

Believing is seeing

Published: Tue, 10/15/13

Hi When I was a child the Elm tree was a common sight in thecountryside as well as in parks and even large gardens. Then cameDutch Elm disease and all…

Big cats

Published: Mon, 10/14/13

Hi Did you know that in Epsom in Surrey they have cats as large assmall dogs? I know this because the other evening I went out ofthe side entrance of…

A message from the other side of the world

Published: Fri, 10/11/13

Hi I had a question from South Africa, yes I have contacts all overthe world! The question was 'how can you learn to see thelines using only distance…

Ears or feet?

Published: Thu, 10/10/13

Hi Following on from yesterday's story. Okay, the idea thatsomeone would chisel grooves for a donkey's ears is a joke.But it is surprising how often…

A funny story

Published: Wed, 10/09/13

Hi A traveller comes across a man with a donkey. For some reason theowner of the beast needs to get it to go through a tunnel with avery low ceiling.

I made a mistake

Published: Sat, 10/05/13

Hi I made a mistake last week. I was fitting skirting board in a newbuild e tension and working from the highest point on the concretefloor. I fitted…

Porridge (again)

Published: Fri, 10/04/13

Hi I saw a report that Market Research company Mintel have found thata quarter of the population of Britain eat porridge for breakfast.This is…

Sometimes, you just have to be there

Published: Thu, 10/03/13

Hi Venetia and I made it to a Guided Chaos class in Slough last night. When we are working in London we always try and take theopportunity and it is…

Slaying the SoM Demon

Published: Wed, 10/02/13

Hi What difference does 'state of mind' make to whether youcan do something or not? Is there such a thing as a 'successstate of mind' or a 'failure…

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