Big cats

Published: Mon, 10/14/13

Did you know that in Epsom in Surrey they have cats as large as
small dogs? I know this because the other evening I went out of
the side entrance of the block where we have been staying and I
saw three enormous cats slipping away through a gap in the hedge.
How do I know they were huge cats? Because of their bushy tails
held high and the way they walked just like a cat. I really did
have the impression they were cats but of course they were foxes
which do move and hold their tails much more like a cat than a dog.

Another morning on the same patch of grass outside of the same
entrance I found myself looking at several objects which I just
couldn't make sense of. Brown and irregular in shape I wanted
to label them fallen leaves or animal droppings but closer
inspection showed that the objects were actually very strange
looking fungi. Then the next day they were gone, I am not sure if
the gardener removed them or something ate them, but they were

The first stage of seeing is in admitting that often you you
don't know what you are looking at. If you just assign a
convenient label to things you view but don't really look at
them you won't every learn much about your world. You
certainly won't have any reason to develop the second stage of
learning to see. Master stage two and you can manifest into the
world all kinds of interesting things. Magic, or that is the way
it seems.

Martial arts and self-defence is ninety nine percent about seeing,
and not just with the eyes, and being able to make sense of what
you see intuitively. We will explore learning how to see and how
it applies to Stav training on the next two day courses, next one
on the 19th of October in Salisbury.



PS I was going outside to do my stances on the evening when I saw
the cats/foxes. When I started doing the stances a very large and
fat cat (still not as big as a fox though) wondered into the garden
and sat watching me. I don't know why but cats often seem to
like watching me do the stances, I wonder what they make of what
they are seeing?