A message from the other side of the world

Published: Fri, 10/11/13

I had a question from South Africa, yes I have contacts all over
the world! The question was 'how can you learn to see the
lines using only distance learning?'. It is a good question.
I maintain that to learn the martial aspect of any system you will
need direct training. However that does not mean that there are
not many other aspects that you can learn on your own.

Ivar has always said that Stav is about seeing reality. As you
learn to see reality you will learn to see the web in all things.
But there is more to seeing than just having your eyes open. We
all see pretty much the same things in the sense that images are
picked up by our eyes if we are looking in the right direction
(that direction is pretty wide if you include peripheral vision)
but the mind is massively selective in terms of what it brings to
your conscious attention. This is just as well or we would suffer
from a massive information overload which would make it impossible
to make sense of anything. The downside is that we can only see
what we already know how to see and that means we don't learn

So you could argue that Stav is about increasing your awareness of
the world in which you live and improving your ability to make
sense of something unfamiliar. If you are a functioning human
being then you must already be doing this to some extent, the
question is, can you consciously improve and develop your seeing?
Of course you can and I believe that there are three main factors
that you need to work on. I will explore how to develop these in
the next few days.

