A funny story

Published: Wed, 10/09/13

A traveller comes across a man with a donkey. For some reason the
owner of the beast needs to get it to go through a tunnel with a
very low ceiling. The ceiling is cut from solid rock but the floor
is a thick layer of sand. The owner of the donkey is laboriously
chiseling out two grooves a couple of inches deep in the roof of
the tunnel. The traveler observes this situation for a few
minutes. Eventually curiosity gets the better of him and he has to
ask the man hard at work what he is doing and why.

"Well." Says the man taking a break to wipe his brow.
"I have just bought this donkey at market and to get home we
have to get through this tunnel. But the tunnel is too low for his
ears to fit and he won't fold them back or lower his head, you
know how stubborn donkeys are. So I had to go home and get a
mallet and chisel so that I can make two grooves for his ears so I
can get him home."

"But." Says the traveller. "Why didn't you get
a shovel and scrape a trench in the sandy floor rather than
chiseling through solid rock."

"Ah," Replies the owner of the stubborn beast.
"That's because its his ears that don't fit."



PS Have a giggle and then have a think about it.

Oh, and next training is just 10 days time, on the 19th in
Salisbury http://www.iceandfire.org.uk/train.html