Porridge (again)

Published: Fri, 10/04/13

I saw a report that Market Research company Mintel have found that
a quarter of the population of Britain eat porridge for breakfast.
This is interesting from a Stav point of view because one of the
main principles of correct nutrition is daily eating a staple food.
Staple foods vary around the world, Maize in South America, Rice
in parts of the orient and maybe Millet in parts of Africa. In
Northern Europe the traditional staple is Oats. A staple food
should provide carbohydrate for energy and fibre for roughage and
to absorb toxins from the gut. But more importantly the staple
food feeds the millions of gut bacteria which keep your digestive
system in balance. These micro-organisms create enzymes which
enable you to extract the maximum benefit from the food you consume.

It is common to lose a lot of weight after taking a serious course
of antibiotics. The digestive system is severely compromised when
most of the bacteria in your gut have been killed off by the
medication. Erratic eating habits will also deplete the friendly
gut bacteria and this will make it harder to digest the food you do
eat. So, eating porridge more or less daily for breakfast will do
a lot for your health and well being.

Although the instructions on a packet of porridge oats tell you how
to cook porridge there is one detail they don't usually
mention. That is that it is best to let porridge stand for a few
minutes between cooking it and eating it. In fact the time taken
to do the first half of the stances is just the right interval
between taking the pan off the cooker and putting the porridge into
a bowl.

Stav principles of diet and nutrition is just one subject I will be
going into in detail for members of Ice and Fire through the
newsletter. I might even record and post a video of how to make
porridge, or might that be just too exiting?

Anyway about 24 hours until the subscription goes up to £20
per month from the current £15 per month. You can join at



PS To wrap up the story about the power cut. Once I opened up the
plug I discovered a slug lying peacefully between the neutral and
earth conductors. Completely dead of course. Why a slug would
want to crawl into a live plug I cannot imagine, I guess it must
have seemed like good idea at the time. A much better idea would
be joining Ice and Fire http://www.iceandfire.org.uk/join.html