As you sow, so shall you reap
Published: Fri, 06/28/13
Hi I have just been out into the garden to do stances and have look atmy vegetable patch. This is the frustrating period when lots ofthings I have…
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Published: Fri, 06/28/13
Hi I have just been out into the garden to do stances and have look atmy vegetable patch. This is the frustrating period when lots ofthings I have…
Published: Tue, 06/25/13
Hi In Norway during the winters the Fjords can freeze over and it ispossible to drive across in a motor vehicle. You can drive as fastas you like on a…
Published: Fri, 06/21/13
Hi Happy Baldersvaki or Baldur's wake as the Midsummer Solstice isknown in Scandinavia. Baldersvaki both celebrates and mourns thedeath of Baldur.
Published: Tue, 06/18/13
Hi In the film Jurassic Park there is a scene where Jeff Goldblum,playing a scientist, tries to e plain Chaos Theory. He give adescription of a single…
Published: Mon, 06/17/13
Hi Kreft today, and the association is with Loki. There is a lot onecould write about Loki and the strange things he was responsiblefor according to…
Published: Fri, 06/14/13
Hi Rei today, and I am back in the right order in case you werechecking. The Germanic name for the rune is Rad which means wheel. When in Germany I…
Published: Thu, 06/13/13
Hi Did you notice my slip yesterday? Before I wrote yesterday'spost I had just uploaded the image representing As to a board on myPininterest account.
Published: Wed, 06/12/13
Hi Sometimes people can be difficult. You can do a one rune reading,by that I mean someone can pick out just one reading as a 'runeof the day'. When…
Published: Tue, 06/11/13
Hi The message you just got has a broken link, sorry about that I mustcheck them properly in future. It should…
Published: Tue, 06/11/13
Hi Good morning again from Somerset. It is a little later thismorning and today it is actually raining. Just a continuousdrizzle which is good for the…