Expecting the unexpected

Published: Tue, 06/18/13

In the film Jurassic Park there is a scene where Jeff Goldblum,
playing a scientist, tries to explain Chaos Theory. He give a
description of a single drop of rain landing on a mountain top in
the centre of the USA, if the drop lands an inch to one side of the
mountain top it will eventually become part of the Atlantic Ocean,
an inch the other way and it will end up in the Pacific. Only the
slightest variation at the start yet the outcome can be radically
different. This is why some things are so hard to predict, you
simply can't tell the effect of a tiny and almost insignificant
variation at the start of something.

If I were going to assign a rune to represent Chaos Theory it would
have to be Hagl. Hagl means hailstones which fall, often without
warning from the sky and they can cause destruction and chaos
literally out of the blue. Hagl means the unexpected event which
changes everything and demands a complete reassessment of our
lives. Heimdal is the Aseir associated with Hagl and he is the
guardian of the Bridge Bifrost which connects the other worlds to
Aesgard. It is the job of Heimdal to listen for signs that
Ragnarock is coming and blow his horn in warning. Heimdal cannot
know when chaos will break loose but it is his job to be aware of
it first.

If Hagl comes up in a rune reading it will indicate a sudden and
probably unexpected change in someone's life. If it is in the
past or presently happening that it is usually possible to identify
the actual event and talk about the consequences it had. On a
couple of occasions I have had Hagl come up as the 'what will
be' rune. Which suggests that things are going to change in an
unexpected way. Of course the questioner then wants to know what
this will be and at that point you have to remind them that no one
can foretell the future since it hasn't happened yet. In some
cases it is fairly clear where a certain set of circumstances is
heading so a likely outcome can be described with a degree of
confidence. Sometimes the situation is more like the drop of water
on the mountain top, the variation needed for massively different
outcomes is so small that any effort at prediction is pointless.
Hagl will indicate a situation of that kind.

I have had two situations when Hagl was the 'future' rune
and I was persuaded to allow a fourth rune to be picked out for
clarification, in both cases the Hagl rune was picked again. Yes,
I know that is improbable but it is Hagl we are talking about here.



PS If you are wondering how the same rune can be picked out more
than once in the same reading it is because we use a 24 counter,
double sided, set which has each rune represented three times. We
will be making such sets and learning how to use them at the Summer
Camp in September, http://www.stavcamp.org/ only two places left
as of Sunday 16th of June