As you sow, so shall you reap

Published: Fri, 06/28/13

I have just been out into the garden to do stances and have look at
my vegetable patch. This is the frustrating period when lots of
things I have planted are growing but almost nothing is quite
producing anything to eat yet. The only things we have actually
been able to pick and eat yet have been Coriander and Basil which
have been very nice is cooking. Of course I just need to be
patient and enjoy the process of watching things grow. I can even
appreciate the new guttering and rainwater capture system (okay,
fancy name for a water butt!) which is filling up nicely with rain
from the shed roof.

The Ar rune is about the harvest and enjoying the bounty of the
successful harvest. We are also reminded about the need to be
grateful for the generous way plants produce food for us to eat and
many useful things besides. The sun, the rain, the earthworms, the
other essential micro-organisms all come free of charge. Okay we
may need to pay for seeds and to buy our garden tools but the
return can be many times the small cost of a packet of seeds if the
plants are carefully tended.

All successful production is a miraculous collaboration between
the bounty of the universe, the wonder of seeds which go from tiny,
seemingly inert objects into highly productive plants and our own
efforts and ingenuity. Even when we fail there is still a lesson
to be learned. This year I bought bags of a cheap planting compost
and frankly, it hasn't been much good. It hasn't ruined my
efforts by any means but I won't be using it again next year.
There is also the need to accept that due to circumstances beyond
our control some things will be hugely successful and some things
will be relative failures and that is why only growing a single
crop is a very risky enterprise.

All of life fits this pattern in terms of developing our health and
fitness, our relationships, intellectual and spiritual development,
business and any other aspect of our lives. The possibilities of
success are always there but you have to make the effort to
cultivate the situation and be patient for the results. Obvious
really but so easily forgotten.



PS New page at with a video you
might enjoy