Ever wondered what the real reason for earthquakes is?

Published: Mon, 06/17/13

Kreft today, and the association is with Loki. There is a lot one
could write about Loki and the strange things he was responsible
for according to the mythology. The main thing to say about Kreft
is that should this rune be selected in any way is probably means
that a difficult situation has arisen. I don't just mean
challenging but probably confusing and even frightening. I have
found in readings that when Kreft is involved the person I am
reading for may be heading for some kind of burn out through sheer
exhaustion and pressure. If Kreft is selected for the future then
it certainly means 'proceed with caution' or maybe better
still, change direction.

I mentioned on Friday's post that Loki was responsible for
Baldur remaining in Hel's domain rather than being returned to
the land of the living. Hel's terms were that all things in
heaven and earth had to weep for Baldur and if that happened then
Baldur would be released. Apparently all things did weep except
for one giantess who was Loki in disguise and so Baldur remained in
the realm of the dead.

Loki is held responsible for all kinds of things, some bad, some
good and some just a little odd. Loki aggravated the Aesir and the
Vanir to the point that the captured him and bound their prisoner
to a rock deep in the earth. Snakes drip poison into his eyes and
earthquakes are caused by his writhing in agony. Before he was
captured Loki hid high on a mountain next to a fast flowing stream.
In order to amuse himself Loki constructed the first fishing net
but when he realized he was found out he threw it into the fire
where it burned to ashes. Being a shape shifter Loki became a
salmon and hid in the stream. Thor flushed him out and managed to
grab the tail of the fish. Thor squeezed hard and that is how the
Salmon got a tapering tail. The other Aesir noticed the pattern of
ashes in the fire and managed to construct a net with which they
caught Loki and forced him to turn himself back into his usual
form. So, according to Norse Mythology we have Loki to thank for
the origin of the fishing net and that same invention was his own
downfall. One interpretation is that however bad things get there
is always something useful to be learned.



PS. We had a great time training in Salisbury yesterday. This was
Cathy's comment about it.

"We had a great days training at Salisbury today. As is normal
we didn't get through Grahams timetable but did go into the
disarming and dagger work in some depth with interesting
discussions along the way. Graham did manage to practise a few
unofficial 'chiropractic techniques' which I am sure John
and Hugh really appreciated. Thanks to Graham for taking a very fun
class and everyone who came for their input."

I am teaching at various events over the summer and the next Stav
course after the Summer Camp is scheduled for the 19th of October.
See my schedule here http://www.iceandfire.org/calendar.html