Like Iduna and her apples
Published: Wed, 11/06/13
Hi I have two 12inch aluminum cooking pots which I bought in Beverley15 or 16 years ago. I needed them for cooking on a Stav camp and Ihave been using…
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Published: Wed, 11/06/13
Hi I have two 12inch aluminum cooking pots which I bought in Beverley15 or 16 years ago. I needed them for cooking on a Stav camp and Ihave been using…
Published: Tue, 11/05/13
Hi Monday night training session last night. Five people training aswell as me teaching. We are using the Methodist Church hall untilthe planning…
Published: Mon, 11/04/13
Hi Yesterday afternoon Venetia and I went to the shop, which (planningpermission permitting) will soon be our Stav centre to do sometraining. We also…
Published: Fri, 11/01/13
Hi I first saw the film Easy Rider around about 1980. If you areunder 40 years old you might find it hard to imagine but in thosedays if you wanted to…
Published: Thu, 10/31/13
Hi We all know how hard it is getting started. Leaving the house tobegin a journey, starting a job, commencing a course of study,committing yourself…
Published: Tue, 10/29/13
Hi We had a good training session last night. Five students trainingand we used the hall at my church for the first time. (My thinkingis that while…
Published: Mon, 10/28/13
Hi Well, that was a bit of an anticlima . All we have heard on thenews for the past couple of weeks was how the mother of all stormswas going to…
Published: Fri, 10/25/13
Hi Sorry, I haven't posted before this week. I have been tryingto get the member's bulletin written and DVD of Ivar teachingat the Summer camp edited…
Published: Mon, 10/21/13
Hi I hope you had a good weekend. We had a nice time in Salisbury onSaturday. I was e pecting two new people but both somehow managedto be ill and…
Published: Thu, 10/17/13
Hi When I was growing up in North London in the late 60's andearly 70's there was a woman in the neighbourhood who was knownas the white witch. Even…