Demanding money with menaces, at six years old
Published: Fri, 11/29/13
Hi When I was five I went to infants school as most children do atthat age. I can't remember much about it at all apart from anolder boy threatening…
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Published: Fri, 11/29/13
Hi When I was five I went to infants school as most children do atthat age. I can't remember much about it at all apart from anolder boy threatening…
Published: Thu, 11/28/13
Hi When I was fourteen I fell in love for the first time. However,the object of my affections never responded kindly and in factnever wanted anything…
Published: Thu, 11/21/13
Hi Last Saturday it was Clare who pointed out that even when I devotemost of a course to absolute basics new stuff always comes out.There are three…
Published: Wed, 11/20/13
Hi There is a story that Geoff Thompson recounts from time to time. Ioriginally read this tale in 'Mind My Back' but Mr Thompsonisn't shy of repeating…
Published: Fri, 11/15/13
Hi Many years after I had left the Venture Scouts I had anotherencounter with canoes. As I recall the occasion was a familiesweekend organised by my…
Published: Thu, 11/14/13
Hi When I was in the Venture Scouts many years ago one of our leadersgot his Canoe instructor certificate. After this canoing became aregular activity…
Published: Wed, 11/13/13
Hi I found myself thinking about boats this morning. I read an email,the 4th in an auto responder sequence I am following it at themoment. This…
Published: Tue, 11/12/13
Hi Good training session last night once again. The Methodist churchhall is working well until we are ready to move into our full timecentre. But that…
Published: Mon, 11/11/13
Hi On Friday morning I drove to O ford to do some work for a client.The best route from South Somerset first thing in the morning isalong the A303 and…
Published: Thu, 11/07/13
Hi Almost e actly a year ago we held a special course in Somerset tocelebrate the 20 years since I met and began training with IvarHafskjold. That…