Never fall in love with a giant's daughter

Published: Thu, 11/28/13

When I was fourteen I fell in love for the first time. However,
the object of my affections never responded kindly and in fact
never wanted anything to do with me at all. The situation was made
more difficult in that we were at the same school, church, youth
groups and I knew the family well. So my awareness of this
person's existence was constantly reinforced right through my
teens and early twenties. I knew that I should just let my
attraction for this girl go and find someone who did like me.
Truth is I have always got on rather well with women and never been
short of attractive and interesting female company. But that
didn't stop me being infatuated with this one particular person
for a very long time. It was a source of some misery for me and
probably rather irritating for her too. I still don't really
understand why it is possible for human beings to develop this kind
of fixation when it causes so much utterly pointless pain and
annoyance. I know there is the 'faint heart never won fair
maid' argument but sometimes it just isn't going to happen.
It is true that you are more attractive if you don't care too
much and just let go. But the problem there is that it has to be
genuine. I think that if you are obsessed with someone who really
doesn't like you and you manage to become genuinely indifferent
then the original object of your affections will probably just be
very relieved that you are no longer interested in them.

In my case I moved away to college and generally got on with my
life. She married a doctor and has had 4 children with him and
good for her. However it did leave me with a sense that just
because you want something doesn't mean you can necessarily
have it. This experience makes me afraid to really want something
even now in case it simply turns out to be impossible.

As soon as I have sent this message out I will be continuing
working on the November newsletter for my members group. The
members have access to online video lessons showing how to do the
physical training using stances and martial arts. Then the
newsletter explores the more esoteric aspects of Stav including an
in depth look at each rune. This month I am looking at Fe and
exploring the mythology around Frey. The main story about Frey is
his infatuation with Gerd, the daughter of the giant Gymir. Frey
probably should not have seen her at all. However, once he had
caught a glimpse, he was lost until the servant Skirnir gets Gerd
to agree to meet with him. This is what is interesting about
working with mythology. We are talking about fantasy stories
written many centuries ago and yet I can relate exactly to
Frey's experience.

It is these kinds of connections that make Stav such a powerful
training tool for everyday life.



PS If you are interested in studying this stuff for yourself it is
all in the Eddas and various retellings of the Norse Mythology.
However Stav teaches you how to actually use this knowledge of the
runes in everyday life. My teacher Ivar Hafskjold will be at the
2014 Stav Camp and you can hear from him how the Hafskjolds have
used Stav over the centuries. I have three places taken already,