Always learning

Published: Fri, 10/25/13

Sorry, I haven't posted before this week. I have been trying
to get the member's bulletin written and DVD of Ivar teaching
at the Summer camp edited and burned. Both tasks should have been
quite straightforward but as is always the way with these things I
had a couple of problems. The DVD simply didn't render first
time but I started again and it seems to be going fine now. The
disc will have over 50 minutes of Ivar showing his runic stances
exercises and applying them for self-defence purposes, amazing
demonstrations of the master himself in action. If you were at the
camp then I will be sending you a copy and if you are a monthly
subscription member of Ice and Fire I will be sending you a copy as
this month's bonus.

The bulletin was a little bit more problematic. Each month members
of Ice and Fire will get a 12 page bulletin with material on
studying the more esoteric aspects of Stav. Stav means knowledge
of the rune staves and that certainly includes practicing Stances
and using the principles and lines for martial training. But it
also included a great deal more than that and it is the other
aspects which tend not to get taught in a systematic way. So,
using a combination of the wonders of modern technology and good
old fashioned paper, stamps and face to face training I am
providing teaching in all aspects of Stav. This means also learning
the meanings and associations of the runes. The only way to do
that is by studying and remembering.

The bulletin becomes the means of encouraging and directing the
study of the runes. I will be examining each rune in some depth
and providing references for further study using the various
sources of Norse Mythology. I was going to start on Fe this month
but once I had written quite a lot I realised that I was assuming
quite a lot of knowledge about the Norse pantheon and cosmology.
So instead I wrote a primer on the Norse mythology, it has also
made me realise just how vast the subject is and how much work
there is going to be over the next, I was going to say years but it
is a lifetime's work easily. I have also included a brief
guide on studying the runes. Of course when you join you also
receive the members manual on Stav and the members DVD which shows
you how to do the stances, staff exercises, foundation exercises
and a demonstration of the five principles. More about that at



PS I had a letter from the council today, Planning permission to
start using our Stav Centre officially should come through by the
15th of December, see more at