
Published: Tue, 11/05/13

Monday night training session last night. Five people training as
well as me teaching. We are using the Methodist Church hall until
the planning permission comes through for the Stav Centre. I think
discretion is in order now that the planning application is a
matter of public knowledge so I won't be holding classes there
for the next few weeks. The church hall is fine, bright and clean
with a high ceiling and a nice wooden floor. The only problem last
night is that there was a meeting going on right next door. It is
something called the Monday Club which meets on the first Monday of
each month and has guest speakers. You may recall that I
addressed the same meeting about a year ago when I gave a
presentation entitled 'A Lifetime in Martial arts' so me
teaching a Stav class next door wasn't too much of a surprise
to anyone.

But we did have to be careful not to make too much noise. So I
started the class by saying that we needed to be reasonably quiet
and we certainly wouldn't be using the Galdre Stances that
evening. Then we began training and I passed my oak staff forward
into the As position and it flew straight out of my hands and
landed on the floor with a loud bang, don't ask me why. This
of course threatened to set off a fit of giggles in everyone else
and it wasn't exactly a good start. Anyway rest of the class
went fine and when we opened the connecting doors at end of the
evening there was some friendly chit chat between both groups but
no one commented on any noise.

However it does show how nice it will be to have our own dedicated
space for Stav training. Well, I should know by five weeks on
Friday. Not much else I can do about the centre in the meantime so
I am focusing on getting the on-line video right for members of Ice
and Fire and planning next year's Summer Camp. Announcement on
that very soon. In the meantime you can check out some pictures
and comments from the 2013 camp at http://www.stavcamp.org



PS We are continuing with the Web of Wyrd twice yearly magazine and
we would like to get another edition out this month. If you are a
member of Ice and Fire then you receive a copy as part of your
membership. But even if you are not a member but would like to
contribute something that may have some relevance to Stav (and that
is a pretty broad category) then we would love to have your
contribution, Runes, mythology, folklore, martial arts, crafts,
health etc. Pictures and artwork too. So if you are interested
let me know and I will pass on the item or suggestion to the
editor. We can't pay for content I am afraid but we will send
you a copy of the finished magazine.