Everything you ever wanted to know about Stav but were afraid to ask
Published: Tue, 07/29/14
Hi This will need to be fairly quick since it is getting late and Ihave a very early start tomorrow morning. It has been an amazingsi days for…
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Published: Tue, 07/29/14
Hi This will need to be fairly quick since it is getting late and Ihave a very early start tomorrow morning. It has been an amazingsi days for…
Published: Mon, 07/28/14
Hi I got back from Druid Camp yesterday evening. It was a really goodfour days. Weather was if anything too hot and it was quite arelief to have some…
Published: Wed, 07/23/14
Hi I am off to Druid camp later today. I will be back on Saturdaymorning to do a Stav demonstration at a local fete on Saturdayafter noon. I am not…
Published: Mon, 07/21/14
Hi Doing some sorting out this past week I came across a funeral orderof service dated 5th of August 1985, so 29 years ago in a couple ofweeks. This…
Published: Wed, 07/02/14
Hi Anyone who has seen me in the flesh since last Thursday will havenoted that I have a cut on my forehead. Just to the left and about4 cm long. It is…
Published: Wed, 06/25/14
Hi Electrician came in on Monday and hooked up the new electricalcircuits at the Stav centre to the meter. Including three newlighting circuits which…
Published: Fri, 06/20/14
Hi Quick one today since I need to get back to the Stav Centre and geton with more work. I have almost finished rewiring the place andthe electrician…
Published: Tue, 06/17/14
Hi Although I have been to the USA quite a few times I have onlydriven there on a couple of occasions. Once I borrowed a truck (asmall pickup) and…
Published: Wed, 06/11/14
Hi Okay, I admit it, I have been neglecting quite a few things for thepast couple of weeks. That includes sending regular emails to mylist and the…
Published: Mon, 06/02/14
Hi On Wednesday last week I finally fitted the refurbished door in theStav Centre. The reinforced glass arrived so I was able to fit thelock and…