Video to watch

Published: Wed, 07/23/14

Hi I am off to Druid camp later today. I will be back on Saturday
morning to do a Stav demonstration at a local fete on Saturday
after noon. I am not quiet sure what will come out of Druid Camp.
I am a regular there and teach Stav in the mornings, lead a
workshop and get involved in the divination tent. I will also
attend workshops which appeal to me. I may get some more people
interested in Stav, or it may just be a couple of days break in the
open air.
In the mean time I have posted a section of the interview with Ivar
Hafskjold which I recorded a couple of years back. This is the
first part and Ivar talks about the origins of Stav and how he
learned Stav as a young man. I will leave it available until the
weekend. You will find the embedded video at