Back from Druid Camp

Published: Mon, 07/28/14

I got back from Druid Camp yesterday evening. It was a really good
four days. Weather was if anything too hot and it was quite a
relief to have some cloud on the Sunday morning. Morning Stav
training was the best in eleven years of trying to teach Stav at
Druid Camp. A core of at least ten people showed up each morning
and I was able to develop the training over the four sessions, I
can't remember the last time that was practical if ever. So
thanks to everyone who supported the sessions.

As well as the Stav there were various interesting talks, I did a
couple of sessions on the healing tent doing rune readings which
seemed to go down well and lots of great people to either catch up
with or meet for the first time. I am now just coming back down to
earth and catching up with admin and website updates.

A good number of people seem to have accessed the extract from the
interview with Ivar. If you enjoyed that section you will find the
next part interesting too, Ivar talks about training in Japan, what
he learned there and how it helped him develop as a Stav teacher.
You can watch it at but I will only be
leaving it up for about twenty four hours.

If you are interested in coming to Stav camp we still have some
places and if you are not a member of Ice and Fire or inclined to
become one, I will simply add the cost of one month's
membership to the cost of the camp. Ivar will be teaching which is
a rare occurrence these days. We will be covering a variety of
subjects to do with Stav including Viking art, runelore, crafts,
fitness training, martial arts, stances and, well, as much as we
have time for. It will be fun and interesting.

So, to see the interview with Ivar and more details on the camp go