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More pictures from Stav Camp

Published: Tue, 09/17/13

Hi Louise just sent me about 170 pictures she took at Stav camp, shehas a good camera and obviously knows how to use it. I have onlyselected ten so…

Pictures and comments from Stav Camp

Published: Sat, 09/14/13

Hi I thought you might like to see some pictures from Stav Camp andread some of the comments from those who were there. There will bemore pictures to…

An exhausted seagull

Published: Thu, 09/12/13

Hi We picked the right week for weather as far as the camp wasconcerned. Yesterday it was raining and windy here in Norfolk andthe field behind the…

Stav Camp over for another year

Published: Tue, 09/10/13

Hi Stav camp 2013 finished Sunday and everyone was gone by about halfpast five. It all seemed very quiet and almost lonely in the barnand field. I…

Day one over and everyone seems to be happy

Published: Thu, 09/05/13

Hi First day today of the course, everyone has managed to arrivealthough the last person to get here didn't arrive until themiddle of the afternoon. I…

Stav Camp 2013 is nearly underway

Published: Wed, 09/04/13

Hi Everything seems to be coming together for Stav Camp, just abouteveryone is here now and no one seems to have got lost yet. Itmust be an easier…

The fun never stops

Published: Mon, 09/02/13

Hi Well, here I am in Norfolk. I had a great weekend at the MercianGathering, morning Stav sessions were not massively supported, nowomen at all this…

Drinking with Howard

Published: Wed, 08/21/13

Hi I went to the pub with my old friend Howard last night. Howard issomeone who comes up with ideas, sometimes quite strange ones, buthe is always…

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