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How Tyr lost his hand

Published: Tue, 07/02/13

Hi We all make mistakes, even Odin, well misjudgments about how thingsare going to work out in the future. When Loki sneaked off andlived with a…

Sol, nothing is invulnerable

Published: Mon, 07/01/13

Hi Several of the runes can be seen as warnings. Fe warns about thedangers of conflict over wealth, Thor reminds us of ourvulnerability, Hagl, that we…

As you sow, so shall you reap

Published: Fri, 06/28/13

Hi I have just been out into the garden to do stances and have look atmy vegetable patch. This is the frustrating period when lots ofthings I have…

Is, for when nothing seems to make sense

Published: Tue, 06/25/13

Hi In Norway during the winters the Fjords can freeze over and it ispossible to drive across in a motor vehicle. You can drive as fastas you like on a…

Happy Baldersvaki

Published: Fri, 06/21/13

Hi Happy Baldersvaki or Baldur's wake as the Midsummer Solstice isknown in Scandinavia. Baldersvaki both celebrates and mourns thedeath of Baldur.

Expecting the unexpected

Published: Tue, 06/18/13

Hi In the film Jurassic Park there is a scene where Jeff Goldblum,playing a scientist, tries to e plain Chaos Theory. He give adescription of a single…

The rune that means 'bicycle' in German

Published: Fri, 06/14/13

Hi Rei today, and I am back in the right order in case you werechecking. The Germanic name for the rune is Rad which means wheel. When in Germany I…

That was wyrd

Published: Thu, 06/13/13

Hi Did you notice my slip yesterday? Before I wrote yesterday'spost I had just uploaded the image representing As to a board on myPininterest account.

As rune for an awkward character

Published: Wed, 06/12/13

Hi Sometimes people can be difficult. You can do a one rune reading,by that I mean someone can pick out just one reading as a 'runeof the day'. When…

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