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Happy Ragnarok?

Published: Fri, 12/21/12

Hi Today is the day that Venetia and I are finally clearing Mum'shouse and that will be the end of an era for my family. Especiallymy mother of course…


Published: Thu, 12/20/12

Hi Scott, writing on the Runic Tradition group set off some discussionon the theme of Ragnarok. It is just before 7am here I have abouthalf an hour…

Paradox, yes or no?

Published: Wed, 12/12/12

Hi If you are going to train in Stav do you have to engage with aparado ? Well, yes and no. Sorry, reworking of an old joke. Butit is still worth…

My brother asked me a question

Published: Sun, 12/09/12

Hi My brother asked me a question yesterday. He came over to mymother's house yesterday to help with the move she is making toa new flat this month. I…

Squid magic

Published: Thu, 12/06/12

Hi Long before J K Rowling wrote the Harry Potter books there was aseries of novels by Ursula McGuinn about young wizards on a fantasyworld called…

You will never get out of this world alive

Published: Mon, 12/03/12

Hi Who is my enemy? Who is my friend? Does the warrior fight hisenemies and rely on his friends? Or does he realise that his onlyreal enemy is his own…

Sleeping wolves go hungry

Published: Wed, 11/28/12

Hi It has just gone 6am and I am typing this while eating porridgebefore I leave for Bristol again. Hopefully for the last timesince we need to…

The Nightmare Continues

Published: Tue, 11/27/12

Hi I thought I had it difficult on Tuesday evening. Then I needed toget back to Bristol again on the Wednesday morning. The A37 wasokay for most of…

Nightmare journeys in Somerset

Published: Wed, 11/21/12

Hi Still finishing off a project in Bristol so I came back last nightto teach class in Crewkerne. Filthy wet night and there was anaccident completely…

Quick update on 2013 Stav Camp

Published: Wed, 11/14/12

Hi Just a quick message to let you know that Ivar Hafskjold has agreedto come and teach at the camp on the Saturday and Sunday. If youhave worked with…

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