Sleeping wolves go hungry

Published: Wed, 11/28/12

It has just gone 6am and I am typing this while eating porridge
before I leave for Bristol again. Hopefully for the last time
since we need to concentrate on our next project which is in London
for the next few weeks. More on that another time. I got up at
0530hrs and felt a bit rough at first, the sleep hormone takes a
while to wear off but doing the stances outside makes a big
difference and I am feeling okay now. As I was dealing with that I
remembered the verse from the Havamal which goes, from memory,
something like: "The slumbering wolf does not get the ham, nor
the sleeping man the victory." In other words if you want to
get ahead in life, get up and get on with it. Good advice although
I am all in favour of sleep. Enough rest is essential to good
health and well being but it is best to get to bed early and rise
early, I was always told that the best sleep is that which you get
before midnight, although I was never sure if that was just a ruse
to get children to go to bed early or actually true. From
experience though I suspect there may be some truth in it.

Doing Stav depends upon getting up early enough to do at least one
set of stances first thing in the morning. Or even getting up
early enough to get to a Stav course on a Saturday morning, such as
this Saturday in Oxford if you haven't already decided to come.

Got to go now, long drive ahead, at least it isn't raining