The Nightmare Continues

Published: Tue, 11/27/12

I thought I had it difficult on Tuesday evening. Then I needed to
get back to Bristol again on the Wednesday morning. The A37 was
okay for most of the way, I passed the crash site from the previous
night at Wraxhall Hill, I could see the hole in the fence where the
car had gone through the previous night, I hope no one was hurt but
I don't think it was that kind of crash, just a spin on a very
treacherous road. But then at Pensford, just South of Bristol, the
road goes up a steep hill and the traffic wasn't moving at all.
So, as with the previous night I consulted my trusty Blackberry
and thought I could see a convenient alternative route. Well it
seemed like a good idea at the time but as I navigated the country
lanes my first choice confronted me with a flooded ford where the
river was flowing over the road and far too deep to risk driving
through. So I attempted a second choice and this time the road
became a lake which extended as far as I could see. A third choice
took me a back way into Whitchurch and it was slow since it still
meant getting through a flood but shallow enough to drive through
safely. Once I was in Bristol the roads were clear all the way to
my destination. I did get through and it could certainly have been
And how did we manage before satellite navigation? I know
we had maps but to find one's way through the back roads I have
been navigating recently you would have needed a really good
navigator with an Ordnance survey map, an ordinary road atlas just
doesn't have the detail once you get off the main roads.

Anyway, weather is looking okay for the next few days so there
shouldn't be any problem getting to Oxford for the course on
Saturday, I have confirmed the booking and it will be the last
course of the year. I will be exploring in detail how to work with
the lines of the web, I know that is what all Stav training is
about but I will put a particular emphasis on cultivating an
awareness of the web in your Stav training. More details at