Gutters, wagon wheels and first principles
Published: Thu, 10/30/14
Hi My sister and brother in law had an e tension built on their house,on the e tension there is a lean to shed. Quite nicely built andgood use of…
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Published: Thu, 10/30/14
Hi My sister and brother in law had an e tension built on their house,on the e tension there is a lean to shed. Quite nicely built andgood use of…
Published: Wed, 10/29/14
Hi I made a large pile of shavings yesterday and found myself leftwith a new oak staff. Or to put it another way, I took a carefullyselected block of…
Published: Tue, 10/28/14
Hi We were training with the spear at the Stav class last night. Ithink the spear always has been my favourite weapon, for reach andpower it cannot be…
Published: Mon, 10/27/14
Hi The quote for this week outside the Stav Centre is taken from GeoffThompson. I attended Geoff's master class series of seminars acouple of years…
Published: Tue, 10/21/14
Hi I have never been a massive Star Wars fan. I saw the first filmpretty much by accident. It ran at the multiple for several weeksand I hadn't…
Published: Tue, 10/14/14
Hi This weeks quote displayed outside of the Stav Centre is this onefrom Henry Ford. He is quite widely quoted and a lot of theattributed remarks are…
Published: Wed, 10/08/14
Hi Below is the quote I have displayed at the Stav Centre this week.Below that the comment I have added. I was going to use somethingby Bruce Lee but…
Published: Tue, 10/07/14
Hi Working at the Stav Centre yesterday and got quite a lot done, moreon that in a moment. I checked our rather smart, black metal postbo and in it…
Published: Fri, 10/03/14
Hi When I was quite a young child I had terrible problems with carsickness. As soon as the car moved off I would start to feelnauseous and on anything…
Published: Thu, 10/02/14
Hi Ever noticed how two tasks which could be categorised asessentially the same can be very different e periences when youcome to undertake them? Two…