Quote of this week

Published: Tue, 10/14/14

This weeks quote displayed outside of the Stav Centre is this one
from Henry Ford. He is quite widely quoted and a lot of the
attributed remarks are well worth looking up.

"Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the
reason why so few engage in it."

Henry Ford 1863 - 1947 Founded the Ford Motor Company

Martial Arts training should be about teaching you to think. That
may sound strange if you thought that Martial Arts training was all
about frantic exercise and then trying to hit people before they
hit you. Yes, you do need to train the body and there are lots of
reasons why being fit and strong is a good thing. But there is
always someone bigger and stronger than you out there and no one
attacks you unless they think they have some kind of edge over you.
So being smart is usually more important than just being strong.

It is sometimes said that violent situations happen so fast that
there is never any time for thinking. However, you can learn to
think fast if you train properly and no situation comes out of
nowhere, unconscious thinking creates bad situations when we should
be consciously creating good situations. How you live your life
depends upon the way you think. So you can either learn to think
consciously about how to create harmony, or unconsciously attract
trouble to yourself. The first stage is learning how you use your
body and being conscious of your actions and behaviour. From there
you will learn to think about influencing others and how to control
their influence on you.

We have finally got around to putting up the window film which
looks nice and at least it now means we don't have the feeling
of training in a goldfish bowl. Pictures at

