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They come and go

Published: Sun, 05/26/24

One piece of advice I was given about email marketing was: ‘If you are not getting some turn over of subscribers then you are not really achieving…

How Western “Democracy” Actually Works

Published: Sun, 05/12/24

The other day my 4 year old daughter asked me what symbiosis means? She had heard the word in an episode of Octonauts, a cartoon series which she…

Three wise monkeys

Published: Mon, 03/25/24

I must have been about 12 years old when I first saw the original Planet of the Apes film at an after school film club. I have seen it several times…

Declining Powers

Published: Sun, 03/17/24

Until quite recently a man could e pect to start claiming his state pension at 65 years old. Women could claim theirs at 60. A few years ago equal pay…

Who burned the most books?

Published: Sat, 03/02/24

In his memoir, ‘Total Recall’, Arnold Schwarzenegger recounts how, as a child living under the Nazi regime in Austria, his family had acquired a…

Always Four Alternatives

Published: Wed, 02/21/24

People say some silly things, worse still, people repeat them. It used to be said that Waterloo was won on the playing fields of Eton. This idea…

The Morality of War

Published: Tue, 01/23/24

Last week I took a walk around St Martin’s cemetery on the west side of Beverley. As long term readers of my posts may remember I find cemeteries…

Reflections on being digitally erased

Published: Sat, 01/06/24

In my last post I reported that I was deleted from Facebook. I have since created a new account and have started building up my ‘friends’ network once…

Happy New Year

Published: Wed, 01/03/24

Happy new year and I hope that you had a better Christmas than we did. Our plan was to go to my sister and her family for Christmas day and stay so…

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