How Western “Democracy” Actually Works

Published: Sun, 05/12/24

The other day my 4 year old daughter asked me what symbiosis means? She had heard the word in an episode of Octonauts, a cartoon series which she enjoys. This particular episode featured a crab and a sea anemone which live in a symbiotic, although fractious, relationship.

I could have told her another story which equally illustrates a problematic symbiotic relationship. I am going to use the actual names and other details since nearly all of the tale is in the public domain anyway.
My parents were lifelong Conservative party supporters and constituency workers. They moved to Chipping Barnet in 1998 where Sir Sydney Chapman (1935 to 2014) had been the MP since 1979. My parents became active in the Chipping Barnet constituency and, although my father died in 2001, my mother continued her support until she moved to Epsom in 2012. Before the 2005 election Sir Sydney decided to retire from the House of Commons and announced that he would not stand for re-election. My mother chaired the selection committee to choose his replacement as candidate for the next parliamentary election. Chipping Barnet is as safe a Tory seat as you will find so, my mother’s committee was effectively appointing the next Conservative MP for the constituency.
My mother told me later that there had been a choice between a family man and a lady who had already been an MEP since 1999. The committee had strongly favored the man as their chosen candidate and notified Conservative central office accordingly. Then, early the next morning, my mother answered a phone call telling her that the committee’s choice had decided to withdraw as a candidate and the lady MEP was now the candidate for Chipping Barnet at the next election. I never knew the name of the gentleman who withdrew. However, the lady who became the MP for my mother’s constituency is Theresa Villiers who has held various ministerial posts over the years since including Secretary of State for Northern Ireland between 2012 and 2016.
When my mother told me this story I checked up on Ms Villiers and confirmed that she was a member of the Conservative Friends of Israel. Since 2017 she has been the vice-chair of CFI and was heard on BBC radio 4 defending ‘Israel’s right to defend itself’ as the Gaza crisis unfolded.
Of course the first choice of candidate by my mother’s committee might have just decided overnight to pull out of the opportunity to become an MP. However, you have to jump through a lot of hoops to get onto a candidate shortlist. So, I am suspicious to say the least. In British politics great efforts will be made to remove ‘unsuitable’ candidates for top political roles. The careers of Ian Duncan-Smith, Jeremy Corbyn, and even Liz Truss’ ill fated stint as prime minister, are just the high profile examples of the pressure which can be brought to bear when it is deemed necessary. So, I do not find it far fetched that Theresa Villers was the ‘chosen one’ in 2005 and the ‘error of judgment’ by my mother’s committee was quickly and neatly rectified. Along with Ms Villiers 80% of Tory MPs are members of the Conservative Friends of Israel. So, what might be the benefit?
My mother never really believed me that such an organisation as CFI actually existed and even most other party activists were similarly ignorant, let alone members of the public. In the USA the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) is better known and its role in getting its supporters elected to congress is widely celebrated by the many American Zionist Christians, whether Republican or Democrats. I won’t elaborate further for lack of space. (Check out the link below to an article by Philip Giraldi). However, it is not difficult to substantiate the argument that there is a symbiotic relationship between the Israeli/Zionist lobby and those who are ambitious to succeed in Western politics.
Israel is not so much a country as a project to test military, social, religious, and political possibilities Why does Israel even exist? This is quite a hard question to answer when you really think about it. Maybe some incredibly rich people just got bored and wanted to see what could be done with enough money.
The Zionist project goes back a very long way, certainly to the early part of the 19th century, and the programme has always been backed by a great deal of money. The Balfor Declaration was addressed to Lord Rothchild, one of the world’s richest men.
As well as the money, for Israel to be created and continue to exist political support in the world’s most advanced and powerful nations has always been vital. Advanced nations like to think of themselves as democracies. Democracy means that governments are formed by those people whom the majority of voters find the most appealing and trustworthy. A controlled media (through ownership by the right people) will tell the electorate who they should vote for and rapidly discredit those who might have integrity and think for themselves. Political donations are needed for the candidates to get their message out to the voters. In each country the system may work a little differently. However, ownership of the media and generous campaign funds are always going to make a huge difference.
So, if you are ambitious in politics your first priority is to find out what you can do for the Zionist project and make sure you deliver. In return the Zionist project can rely on Western politicians to cover for it regardless of how badly it behaves. That is symbiosis.
However, symbiosis has to be a mutually beneficial relationship which remains in balance. When a symbiotic relationship becomes unbalanced there is either a parting of the ways, or the continued association will become parasitic. There is an argument that the Zionist project has been a parasite on both the Middle East, especially the Palestinians, and Western nations since at least 1948. However, so long as the relationship between elected representatives and the financiers of the Zionist project remained symbiotic the damage to all other parties just had to be tolerated. Many more people are now aware of the influence of the the Zionist project. Will the ambitious western politician continue to think it is worth actively, and publicly, supporting Israel? We shall see.
PS The Fe Rune poem goes: ‘Wealth causes strife amongst kinsmen, the wolf grows up in the woods.’ At Stavcamp in July one of the topics to look at in detail is money, and how easily it can be weaponised. Updated Stavcamp page here

PPS Another great post from Catlin Johnstone and do follow the link to the rap song, it is really rather good

PPPS If you think my example could just be a rare coincidence check out this erudite article by Philip Giralidi
Graham Butcher
21 Beaver Road
Beverley East Yorkshire HU17 0QN

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