Doing what you love
Published: Tue, 02/10/15
Hi Another interesting question from Dan; What do you personally love most about martial arts?An important question too, because sometimes, in the…
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Published: Tue, 02/10/15
Hi Another interesting question from Dan; What do you personally love most about martial arts?An important question too, because sometimes, in the…
Published: Mon, 02/09/15
Hi Dan’s ne t question is: Where do you see your art going in the future? As I have just written on the ne t rune web page for Hagl (see link below)…
Published: Fri, 02/06/15
Hi The third question on Dan’s list is: What makes your art/system unique? There are several very distinct features of Stav which I will return to in…
Published: Thu, 02/05/15
Hi The second question Dan put on his list is: What would you say are the main principles of your art?Ivar has always said that Stav is not about…
Published: Wed, 02/04/15
Hi Following on from my contact with MACE (Martial Arts and Combat E hibition in Bristol in June which I will be teaching at) I have been asked to get…
Published: Tue, 02/03/15
Hi Happy Imbolc, or Winter Thing as it is less imaginatively described as a Stav festival. Celebrating the end of winter, signified by the arrival of…
Published: Thu, 01/29/15
Hi “It isn't the mountain ahead that wears you out; it's the grain of sand in your shoe.” I was made aware of this quote in a sermon on Sunday…
Published: Fri, 01/23/15
Hi I got a bit behind on quotes of the week on the noticeboard outside of the Stav Centre. Partly because I was starting to believe that I could not…
Published: Mon, 01/19/15
Hi Yesterday afternoon I received the list of questions that Matt Roberts is likely to ask when videoing and interviewing me today. It does feel a bit…
Published: Fri, 01/16/15
Hi Want to know the secret of a successful bonfire? Well, the theory of fire is that combustion requires heat, fuel and air. There are various…