“Whether you believe you can do a thing, or believe you can't, you are right.”

Published: Fri, 01/23/15


I got a bit behind on quotes of the week on the noticeboard outside of the Stav Centre. Partly because I was starting to believe that I could not think of anything to write. That is actually a problem for me, when I feel that I can’t write anything that will help to get people interested then of course I am right and I can’t do it. Hence this quote catching my attention and my comments on it. (which of course proves I can.)

And, just as I start believing no one is really interested in Stav some interesting opportunities have come up this week. Matt Roberts coming on Monday so there will be extensive video and pictures of Stav leading up to the Martial Arts and Combat Exhibition in June. I was asked about a martial arts demonstration at a summer fete in July. It may or may not generate any real interest but if you don’t take part you will never know. It has been confirmed that I will be teaching at Fightcamp in August (a workshop on cudgel/workshop) and it looks like HEMA will be represented at the MACE event so European martial arts is getting taken more seriously by the ‘mainstream’ martial arts community at last. I also had a phone call last night asking me to teach some self-defence sessions for a local youth club, may even lead to a all age Close Quarter Combat Stav class, either way it will be an interesting opportunity. So I am going to believe
I can and see what comes of it. Here is the quote:

“Whether you believe you can do a thing, or believe you can't, you are right.”

Henry Ford, 1863 - 1947, American Industrialist and Car Manufacturer

Life is actually full of remarkable opportunities. Opportunities to meet interesting people, opportunities to do interesting things, opportunities to learn new skills and gain new knowledge, opportunities to grow as a person and fulfil your potential.

Or maybe life is just boring and pointless and nothing interesting ever happens. There are no opportunities to do anything different and even if there was you would not have the time, money, energy, support, enthusiasm, health and strength to take up the opportunity anyway.

Which ever of these statements you choose is true, completely true, for you.

However, if you have actually read this far, (lets face it if you really believed there were no opportunities in life you would not even have bothered to look at this poster), you might have a sneaking suspicion that life does hold possibilities that you have not yet explored. If that is the case what is holding you back?

Maybe you think that because you live in Crewkerne, here in darkest Somerset nothing interesting could possibly happen, if you lived in the big city like Bristol or London you would have lots of exiting things to do. Actually big cities are full of people who never get around to doing anything there either, I grew up in London so trust me I know. Actually there are lots of interesting things going on right here in Crewkerne you just have to look for them and be willing to get involved. If you wanted to learn Martial Arts you can do it right here, or maybe you have lots of good reasons why you can't try out your free taster class and see if it works for you.

Stav training will take you places most people never dream of. But whether or not you can develop yourself in body, mind and spirit depends upon whether you believe you can, or you can't. Either way you are right.

So, the question is; Do you believe you can make it to a Stav training session? Classes weekly, day course on the 31st January, longer training programmes Easter and Summer. Regular Stav for self-defence seminars, and if you are in the USA do you believe you could make it to Minneapolis in May? Pretty much full list with links at http://iceandfire.org/calendar.html and next day course http://somersetstav.co.uk/daycourses.html

So whether you believe you can learn Stav, or believe you can’t, you are right.

