Ice and Fire Ltd

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A lot to do

Published: Tue, 03/04/14

Hi Okay, I knew there was going to be a lot to do. Yes, I was indenial about how much work it would be but we are still making goodprogress with the…

Stav or MacDonalds?

Published: Thu, 02/27/14

Hi This week I have been working at the front of 3 to 5 South Street,Crewkerne replacing the front panel above the window. Not a smalltask since it is…

Wax on, wax off

Published: Tue, 02/25/14

Hi There was a little bit of Karate Kid type training last night.There is a lot to do a the Stav Centre and yesterday I decided totry and repair the…

Hitting the target at 600 metres

Published: Thu, 02/20/14

Hi A figure twelve target is 56 cm high and 45 cm wide and is meant torepresent the head and shoulders of an enemy combatant. It wouldlook quite big…

Burning the porridge

Published: Wed, 02/19/14

Hi I burnt the porridge this morning. I know, it shouldn't havehappened but I got distracted. An engineer from our energy companycame to check the…

Stav is different

Published: Tue, 02/18/14

Hi I often have interesting conversations about Stav but a couple ofrecent e changes stay with me. The question. What makes Stavdifferent? When you…

It gets worse before it gets better

Published: Mon, 02/17/14

Hi I have updated the website for the Stav Centre, there is a newpicture showing what we have been doing to the front of the place,sorry it was bound…

Sorry to bother you again

Published: Wed, 02/12/14

Hi I hate marketing, I really do. Years ago I worked for a while fora person called Robert Holden. He ran a self-improvement programmehe called the…

Talking about demons

Published: Mon, 02/10/14

Hi "That must have been difficult to speak about?" Said amember of the congregation after the service. I had been preachingon the subject of demon…

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