A lot to do
Published: Tue, 03/04/14
Hi Okay, I knew there was going to be a lot to do. Yes, I was indenial about how much work it would be but we are still making goodprogress with the…
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Published: Tue, 03/04/14
Hi Okay, I knew there was going to be a lot to do. Yes, I was indenial about how much work it would be but we are still making goodprogress with the…
Published: Thu, 02/27/14
Hi This week I have been working at the front of 3 to 5 South Street,Crewkerne replacing the front panel above the window. Not a smalltask since it is…
Published: Tue, 02/25/14
Hi There was a little bit of Karate Kid type training last night.There is a lot to do a the Stav Centre and yesterday I decided totry and repair the…
Published: Thu, 02/20/14
Hi A figure twelve target is 56 cm high and 45 cm wide and is meant torepresent the head and shoulders of an enemy combatant. It wouldlook quite big…
Published: Wed, 02/19/14
Hi I burnt the porridge this morning. I know, it shouldn't havehappened but I got distracted. An engineer from our energy companycame to check the…
Published: Tue, 02/18/14
Hi I often have interesting conversations about Stav but a couple ofrecent e changes stay with me. The question. What makes Stavdifferent? When you…
Published: Mon, 02/17/14
Hi I have updated the website for the Stav Centre, there is a newpicture showing what we have been doing to the front of the place,sorry it was bound…
Published: Thu, 02/13/14
Hi I live in Somerset so it is assumed that I must have webbed feetand learned to breath under water by now. We have had flood,outside of our gate a…
Published: Wed, 02/12/14
Hi I hate marketing, I really do. Years ago I worked for a while fora person called Robert Holden. He ran a self-improvement programmehe called the…
Published: Mon, 02/10/14
Hi "That must have been difficult to speak about?" Said amember of the congregation after the service. I had been preachingon the subject of demon…