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Who was the real hero of Christmas?

Published: Tue, 12/24/13

Hi Since it is Christmas Eve today I have been thinking about one ofthe most intriguing characters in the Christmas story. Of coursewhen discussing…

Leaving the room as you found it

Published: Fri, 12/20/13

Hi Seeing our pictures in the Western Gazette made it all seems alittle closer to reality. I am very grateful that seven of us wereable to turn out on…

Stav teacher upsets town council

Published: Thu, 12/19/13

Hi The Western Gazette is out today and we are on page 9, you can seethe online version here…

What lurks in the darkness?

Published: Tue, 12/17/13

Hi So called conspiracy theories are a favorite topic of pubconversations. Did the Americans actually get to the moon? Wasthere just one gunman…

Learning from other people's mistakes

Published: Mon, 12/16/13

Hi Learning from your mistakes is very important. If you can'tlearn from your own mistakes you won't get very far in life.Learning from other people's…

By the power of my thoughts alone...

Published: Sat, 12/14/13

Hi Yesterday morning I was just thinking that one of the things I needto do is write a press release for the local paper. Since they rana small item…

The worst book about runes ever?

Published: Fri, 12/13/13

Hi A few years ago someone gave me a copy of Ralph Blum's 'TheBook of Runes' I can't actually remember who but am prettysure I didn't buy it myself.

Time to let go and move on

Published: Thu, 12/12/13

Hi Over the past few weeks I have introduced quite a bit of varietyinto the Stav classes. We do stances and staff e ercises everyweek of course but…

Waiting for the builder

Published: Thu, 12/05/13

HiI studied the play 'Waiting for Godot' as part of my dramadegree in the 1980's. My parents actually saw the firstproduction in London, apparently…

Children, not seen or heard

Published: Tue, 12/03/13

Hi When I was a child it wasn't uncommon for some parents to sendtheir children to Sunday School at the local church even though theparents themselves…

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