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How to make you own gold

Published: Thu, 01/11/18

Hi Alchemy, the word suggests aspiring magicians attempting to change lead into gold. These days alchemist can suggest a superstitious fool who will…

Starting my van with a USB cable

Published: Wed, 01/10/18

Hi Venetia and I treated ourselves to a new toy in the autumn. It comes in a very neat black case, it is about the size of a cigarette packet. (Maybe…

A special event coming up in June

Published: Thu, 01/04/18

Hi ,A quick one today as I need to leave to get to Epsom soon.Another goal for this year is to make a success of the camp I am organising in June to…

New pans and Stav

Published: Wed, 01/03/18

Hi Venetia’s parents very kindly gave us a nice set of pans for Christmas. Endorsed by Gordon Ramsey no less, well they have his picture on the label.

A purple flower growing from the ashes

Published: Sun, 12/31/17

Hi I recently read an account of a trip to Alaska. Part of the e pedition involved taking a boat along a river where the author observed a whole…

A smashed windscreen and advice from long ago

Published: Tue, 12/19/17

Hi When I was a child my mother employed a cleaner called Mrs White. If I was at home when she was working we would chat about all sorts of things, I…

Why me?

Published: Fri, 12/08/17

Hi This morning I re-read the first part of my manuscript. The first part covers my early life and how I originally got interested in martial arts and…

Only nine years later

Published: Thu, 11/30/17

Hi ,On my notice board I have a print out from an email which I received almost nine years ago. I had had an article published in an American Martial…

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