The power of a baby
Published: Fri, 01/01/21
How was Christmas for you? We all know that 2020 was a rather strange year which culminated with Christmas effectively canceled. I am sure that there…
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Published: Fri, 01/01/21
How was Christmas for you? We all know that 2020 was a rather strange year which culminated with Christmas effectively canceled. I am sure that there…
Published: Mon, 12/21/20
I have just heard that later today our glorious supreme leader will make yet another announcement. The all wise one had a dream last night in which he…
Published: Fri, 12/18/20
How many times have we heard in the past ten months that we have to ‘trust the e perts’ when it comes to accepting the current approach to dealing…
Published: Tue, 12/15/20
I would like to share some lessons I have learned over the past year, this one reminds me of a rather crucial teaching found in the HavamalI live in…
Published: Mon, 12/07/20
My daughter Iduna is one year old this week, where did the time go? She is bright and lively and highly curious, so I have begun her education. Well,…
Published: Mon, 11/30/20
To start my day I sit here at the entrance to my cave and watch the sun rise over far away Mid-gard and I wonder what is happening in the worlds of…
Published: Sun, 11/29/20
Interviewer: Please tell my readers who you are?Hel: I am known as Hel, ruler of the dead, mistress of Helheim where those who Odin and Freya do not…
Published: Thu, 11/19/20
I would like to start by telling you my name, but I am not sure if I ever had one. You might know me as the Midgard Serpent. Midgard is your world,…
Published: Tue, 11/17/20
Perhaps one of the most dramatic tales recounted by Snorri Sturluson in his Edda is the tale of how Fenriswolf was bound. The story goes that Loki had…
Published: Tue, 10/06/20
Collusion, the third part of my reflection on Bobcat’s ethical principles. The dictionary definition of collusion is: ‘Secret agreement or cooperation…