Ice and Fire Ltd

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Lost in the mist

Published: Sat, 02/23/19

Hi ,The Chinese like to say that the chi is strongest just before sunrise and when the morning mist has not yet cleared. It is believed that this is…

Reverse engineered humour

Published: Thu, 02/21/19

Hi ,I saw a cartoon the other day. Two people are talking and one of them has a dog on a lead. The other person asks. “Does your dog bite?”The person…

My secret road to nowhere

Published: Tue, 02/12/19

Hi ,There has been a lot of new building around this area. A small new estate has recently been completed on the North side of Beverley (the town…

High above the clouds

Published: Fri, 02/08/19

Hi ,On Monday afternoon I flew back over the North sea from Aarhus in Denmark to Standsted in the UK. Monday was cloudy and wet at ground level. At…

Breaking through the creativity block

Published: Wed, 01/30/19

Hi ,Why is writing hard? Or any other creative endeavor for that matter? Three main problems affect me when I want to be creative. It might be that I…

How I made my first rune set

Published: Mon, 01/28/19

Hi ,It must have been within the first year of my learning Stav that I made my first set of runes. I was away with the TA (Territorial Army) for a…

The last crossing of a Humber Ferry

Published: Sat, 01/26/19

Hi ,I was chatting with a friend of mine named Colin after church last Sunday and the conversation turned to boats and sailing on the Humber Estuary.

What makes us self-reliant?

Published: Tue, 01/22/19

Hi ,I get invitations to answer questions on Quora and this came through yesterday: ‘What are some skills, besides martial arts, that you practice in…

Walking around the M25

Published: Sat, 01/12/19

Hi ,Both sides of my family were keen on the Scouts and Guides, my maternal grandmother was a guide leader for many years and my father was associated…

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