Ice and Fire Ltd

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Unlocking the door

Published: Mon, 12/12/16

Hi Last Friday I worked a day for one of my regular clients. I was given a list of the jobs she wanted taking care of. One of which was get back door…

Magic sticks and talking stones

Published: Wed, 12/07/16

Hi ,I am currently reading a very interesting book by Perry Marshall. Title is Evolution 2.0 and the overall subject is evolution and genetic code, I…

Talking to aliens

Published: Sat, 12/03/16

Hi ,I don’t get to the cinema as often as I would like, no reason not to, there is a perfectly good multiple quite nearby. Anyway, having said that we…

Losing a whole person

Published: Tue, 11/29/16

Hi On Saturday Venetia and I went to Salisbury for three hours training with two of my long term students. We had a good session working through the a…

Worth dying for?

Published: Sat, 11/26/16

Hi The second two runes in the Ethical Bind rune are Mann, which effectively means se ual attraction and Bjork which symbolises motherhood, family…

Looking out for number one

Published: Wed, 11/23/16

Hi Body, mind and spirit can sound terribly new agey and airy fairy but I really don’t know why. I would suggest that we have physical bodies and we…

Why go to all that trouble?

Published: Mon, 11/21/16

Hi I have just done a major update on the Somerset Stav Martial Arts website. Please read the article in which I e plain what I was looking for until…

A rational decision

Published: Tue, 11/08/16

Hi I have been resisting commenting on the US election. Don’t worry, I am not going to try and e press an opinion about who is the better choice for…

Relative poverty and self-reliance

Published: Fri, 11/04/16

Hi Downside of staying in Me ico. I am not going to claim that staying in a fairly lu urious, all inclusive, beach resort is an e perience of the…

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