Hopes for my daughter's future

Published: Sun, 06/14/20

I have not posted for a while, there have been various reasons. Handyman work has picked up in a big way and Iduna, our baby girl is half a year old. She is very cute but, somewhat distracting. Those are just excuses really, I have written several pieces which I have not even finished. It isn’t easy to make sense of a world that seems to have gone mad and I don’t want to just react to yet another piece of bad news. An important part of sanity is being very selective about what I do and do not believe. News is created and disseminated for a purpose, and that purpose may not be in our best interests. So, I thought I might try some positive dreaming and see if I can cheer myself up a bit.

If our little girl lives as long as her maternal grandmother she will see the early part of the 22nd century, I would like to think that she will have had a happy, healthy, and fulfilling life by then and be living in a world that is at peace with itself. The world itself will probably be doing fine, as Jeff Goldblum’s character puts it in the original Jurrassic park movie. ‘Nature always finds a way.’ The planet has been here a long time and will probably be here for a long time to come. The important question is what will human beings have learned about being human, getting on with other humans, and living lives with real purpose and meaning.

Three things that I hope for the human race:

1. Many years ago I got to know a lady who had grown up in communist Russia. When young we were technically enemies separated by the iron curtain. I had been told that her people would one day try and invade the West and enslave us in tyranny. She had been told exactly the same story about the West. It was quite a realisation for me at the time.

One day there will become clear that conflict between political groups, religions, any kind of identity, and ideological positions is just manipulation to prevent anything really changing. A stratified society where the very rich and influential seem to control the money and resources needs the majority to direct their anger and fear against others who are actually on the same level of disadvantage. Left wing v. Right wing. Republican v. Democrat, theist v. atheist, black v. white etc etc. We can put our energy into fighting the ‘other’. Or we can just just turn our awareness ninety degrees and realise that the important differences are simply levels of consciousness. The higher the level of consciousness the more aware we become of how we are manipulated. Once you are aware of how you are being used you can choose not to collude with it any more. Once you have achieved a higher level of consciousness you can help others awaken
too. You will need patience as it may take a long time. You will need courage, as waking up to an unfamiliar reality can make people very angry. You will need compassion because an angry and frightened person may be violent and dangerous but essentially they are lost and in pain. So, I look forward to a world where humans no longer struggle against each other. Instead each person has a clear intention to elevate their own consciousness and gently encourage others to join them on the journey.

2. Dialysis is a technique for keeping people alive whose kidneys are no longer functioning properly. Healthy kidneys remove urea from the blood before it reaches a dangerous level of concentration. A dialysis machine will remove the urea and maintain life. I had heard of the process but I could not imagine how it worked. It turns out that a dialysis machine works using osmosis, a process where a semi permeable membrane separates two solutions with different concentrations, the chemical in he high concentration will pass through the membrane into the low concentration. I assume that a dialysis machine is a clever and sophisticated piece of medical equipment , yet it works according to a very simple principle. The same principle which maintains homeostasis (balanced state) in the cells which make up our body and sustain a baby in the mother’s womb as the placenta makes its exchanges of gases, waste, and nutrients while keeping the
two blood systems quite separate.

One day people will grasp the simple principles on which the universe works. There will be specialists who use these principles to achieve certain things using technology. But everyone will have the opportunity to understand how the universe works and so they will not be duped and manipulated by so called experts who make knowledge so complicated and obscure that ‘ordinary people’ need to trust their high priests to make their decisions for them. In the future there will always be people with special skills in applying principles, but the understanding of principles will be shared by all.

3. My mother was brought up in a fairly strict North Country Methodist household. In those days Catholics and Protestants would keep their distance from each other. In her 50s my mother shared in some Lent House groups with, among other denominations, Catholics. She was pleased and surprised that they actually believed mostly the same as her. My mother eventually spent the last ten years of her teaching career as a human biology teacher in a Catholic girls school, and those were the happiest years of her teaching career.

I hope that in the world my daughter matures in belief will be something that is chosen according to fundamental principles and reflects a high level of consciousness. I hope that we will have done away with religion as a given belief, reinforced by ritual and practice, and maintained by fear of sanctions. In the future people will have confidence in their own awareness of spiritual principles, trust their own experience, and choose the beliefs that genuinely work for them.

The world is in a state of flux right now. Many different forces are in conflict and often the struggle isn’t pretty to watch. However, the only process that really matters is the one going on in your heart, mind, and soul. We are called to a high level of consciousness, our potential for awareness is infinite, our responsibility to be compassionate is nothing to be afraid of. Best of all you don’t really have to do anything, any more than you have to make an effort to wake up in the morning, just allow yourself to see things from a higher place. You already have the capacity to be fully awake, but you may not have noticed just yet.



PS Midsummer Rune Retreat is formally postponed but I intend to arrange something for the Autumn. More on that very soon.