They can't stop the sun from rising

Published: Mon, 03/30/20

They can’t stop the sun rising and setting. They can’t even change when it rises and sets, only the clocks. The sun, moon and stars have never heard of British Summer time.

They can’t stop our baby daughter smiling at her parents in the morning. They can’t stop her parents and extended family from loving her. No more can they stop her crying, sucking milk from her mother’s breast, filling her nappy or falling asleep in my arms when I sing to her.

The can’t stop the muntjac deer I saw in the woods from going where he wants and doing whatever muntjac deer have to do.

They can’t stop the buds forming on the tree branches and rapidly turning into new leaves. They can’t stop the daffodils greeting the sun each morning along the roadside. Spring is coming whatever they say.

They can’t stop the birds singing, building their nests, laying their eggs and flying in the sky. I wonder if the birds have noticed that they now have the skies to themselves since all the aeroplanes have been grounded?

They can’t stop the wind blowing, the clouds making whatever shape they choose today, or the rain falling when the time is right.

They can’t stop you thanking your creator God for all that he has done for you. Or, if you prefer, contemplate the random, accident which made the universe and all its wonders just happen. It doesn’t really matter, they could not prevent the universe existing however it happened and I am grateful for that.

They can’t stop you being kind to yourself.

They can’t stop you being kind to your own feelings too. When fear, anxiety, frustration and loneliness present themselves treat them like you would small children, give them some attention, give them a reassuring cuddle, hear what they have to tell you and, when they are calm are relaxed, let them go back to sleep, reassured that a compassionate grown up is in charge.

They can’t stop you realising that they can’t stop very much that actually matters.

They can’t take away knowledge from inside your head, they can’t stop you doing a practice which just needs your body, room to stand up, or lie down, and air to breathe.



PS One of the reasons I value Stav is that knowledge of the runes is something that nothing and no-one can take away from you. If I ever got washed up naked on a desert island or locked up in a high security cell I would still have the stances, the stories and everything else that ‘knowledge of the rune staves provides’. I would not want to be coping with the present situation without doing the stances each day and the rest of my Stav practice.

If you are looking for something to keep you occupied you might like this programme I am making available. Not Stav per se, although it draws heavily on what I have learned from practicing Stav. Have a look anyway and see if it appeals to you