The confidence of amateurs

Published: Fri, 05/18/18

Hi ,

I thought I knew what I was doing by now! At the beginning of the year I decided that I was going to create two nine week programmes of distance learning and one 24 week programme. When I started the Foundation programme back in January I really did not know what I was doing. I just went ahead and decided to see what happened, it probably looked like it too to those who received the first version. I like to think I got better at it as the project went on. At the end I standardised the format and a couple of very kind (and literate people) proof read it for me. Thank you Anne and Jayne, because of your assistance the spelling and punctuation is pretty much okay in the current version. The Foundation programme is now available for automated delivery and, judging by the feedback I have received, it seems to have achieved its original intention quite well.

I think that part of the the problem with the martial/self-protection/self-defence programme is that I don’t even know what to call it. Which means that I don’t quite know what I am trying to achieve. It is isn’t that I don’t know my subject, I probably know far too much, which is why I am finding it hard to know what to put in and what to leave out. I thought I had completed the first module three weeks ago and then I realised that I had actually included enough material for three modules, so I broke it down again.

I know that I just need to go ahead and deliver something today, it may well change later, but I have at least 10 people expecting it. I have done the final edit this morning. Recorded the video for the first three modules and edited the first one. So, no more excuses. If it isn’t right, and I get the feedback that indicates I need to change the content, then that is what I will do, it is work in progress after all.

There is an expression along the lines of; ‘the confidence of amateurs is the envy of professionals’. The implication being that if you really do not know what you are doing then it is quite easy to just go ahead and take a chance. The more experience you have and the more you know, the more aware you are of what can go wrong. Also, the more you know the more imperfect your results seem.

Maybe you are in a similar position with something you want to achieve but you are not quite sure where to start? Just begin where you are and learn as you go along. In case you had not realised, that is what the Human race has been doing for a very long time. Of course such an approach has resulted in some spectacular failures (from which lessons can be learned) but that is also how the successes come as well.

Module 1, pdf and video are available from today. Module 2, by this time next week. If you think you might be interested see

If you do help me with the trial I will be very grateful for your feedback and you will get the final version when the programme is complete.



PS If you are more interested in the Foundation Programme you can sign up for that here You can just do the distance learning modules, or come to the associated seminar on either the 6th of October or the 3rd of November.