Shaping the future

Published: Fri, 11/10/17


We can’t predict the future. We can’t control what happens in the future. The future will always contain some surprises and events you did not expect. On the other hand, we can have a lot of influence on the future by planning and preparing and simply asking people to do stuff with you.

A good example of creating a tiny part of the future is the event that I have planned for June next year. I have asked three friends of mine to teach on a seminar I am organising on the 8th to the 10th of June next year. I have also been given permission to use a really amazing venue in North Norfolk. Deep in the countryside we will be using a good sized field, a woodland area and a large barn which is several hundreds of years old. We will also have access to a village hall for parking and in case we need another indoor space for teaching in case the weather is wet. I am not anticipating this being a problem in Norfolk in June, the weather will probably be glorious but we will cope either way. This is the same venue as we used for Stav camp a few years back.

What will you get if you come? Three days training in some diverse aspects of Historical European Martial arts. Which is why I have entitled this event the HEMA Diversity Camp or HDC for short. So diverse I suspect that we are stretching the boundaries of what is accepted as HEMA, well, so what? It is my event. The important thing is that I am very pleased and proud that Allen Reed, Milo Thurston and Fox Walters have agreed to be there to share their knowledge and experience. I will go into more detail about each of these people over the next few days.

The question for now is, why should you come to the HDC next June?

Or some reasons not to come perhaps? Do not come if you have no interest in martial arts. This camp will be devoted to training with long sword, small sword, axe, cudgel, staff, bowie knife, tomahawk and commando dagger. If that holds no appeal for you then this would not be the event for you.

Do you need to be an expert in some form of martial training already? Not really, no one will have done all of this before hand. (Actually I have done, but only once or twice in some cases and how else would I know how good the teachers are?) The idea is to try stuff you have not done before and build up your knowledge. If you have no background in martial training at all this is going to be a bit much for you. On the other hand you have seven months to get prepared by getting into training. If you need some advice on how to get started reply to this message and I will see what I can advise, also see my PS below.

Don’t come if you already know it all and believe there is nothing more any of us could teach you. You may be right of course in which case I suggest you put on your own camp.

Think twice about coming if you are not in reasonably good shape and able to cope with three days training. The emphasis will be very much on cooperative learning not fitness training for the sake of it. However, too many people sitting around watching because they are exhausted or in too much pain while three of us actually train can feel a bit awkward. Again, I will be happy to advise on practical ways to get in shape over the next 7 months if that is what you need to do.

It might also be best not to come if you are a miserable sod who would not enjoy the social experience of camping alongside 20 or so other people and just having some fun. In my experience these events have a great sense of camaraderie and are a great opportunity to make new friends. People there will be happy to talk about all sorts of things and will want to get to know you.

Everyone is welcome at the HDC, the clue is in the D, but not everyone would have as much fun and get as much out of it as I intend to. So, have a think about what I have written above, feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have.

Link to the web page is

Have a great weekend.



PS Next training opportunity in Beverley will be on the 9th of December see