FAQs and RDIs (Repeated Displays of Ignorance)

Published: Mon, 10/02/17


I confess to having a bit of a love hate relationship with Facebook. Actually, that is putting it a strongly. I find FB quite useful sometimes, but I really can take it or leave it. I do use Mr Zukerberg’s creation to let people know about Stav training opportunities and sometimes people actually respond and come to courses as a result. What can be quite amusing are the questions people ask from time to time and I am always happy to answer a genuine enquiry. However, it can get quite hilarious when some self professed expert makes a statement demonstrating ignorance of what they are talking about. This has just happened on a HEMA group I belong to which seemed like a good place to promote the courses I have planned for this Autumn.

There was one sensible question, which has prompted an entry for my new FAQs page, one request for a video which I have added to the training page and one statement that Stav is ‘just bastardised Jodo’. I seem to recall that the same person has made a similar statement at least once before on another HEMA group. He is not completely wrong since there is a tenuous relationship between Jodo and Jo Jutsu which was the art Ivar actually studied and all martial arts are a bastardised form of a previous system somewhere down the line. Anyway, the comment will give me the basis for another FAQ, or perhaps it should be RDI in this case (Repeated Display of Ignorance).

Anyway, the video is quite fun and it shows Nigel Smith and I demonstrating nine guards in a park in Sheffield a few years back http://www.iceandfire.org.uk/train.html

The FAQ with the first two questions is at http://www.iceandfire.org.uk/faqs.html

If anyone has a question you think should be answered on the FAQS page then let me know and if I can’t answer it I will pass it over to Ivar.



PS I am promoting the courses for the autumn as introductory seminars. The morning sessions will be suitable for beginners. However, I will be happy to do further training in the afternoons for those who have some experience of Stav training. If you think that applies to you then let me know, dates etc at http://www.iceandfire.org.uk/train.html