My dubious evidence of mysterious creatures

Published: Wed, 05/24/17


Ever looked at grainy pictures which supposedly show mysterious creatures such as bigfoot, sea monsters such as the Loch Ness beastie or objects such as UFOs and thought, well, could be, but then again, could be anything really? It must be very frustrating for the photographers who at last thought that they had convincing evidence of whatever it is they want the world to believe in. This morning I know how they must feel since I have had a similar experience.

I was up on the Beeches well before 0600 hrs this morning, I always wake up with the daylight so this time of year I have early starts. As I have said before prior to 0600hrs on Bincombe Beeches is rabbit time. Once the dog walkers come the rabbits very wisely go to ground for the rest of the day. This morning I noticed that there is a family of black rabbits living on the Beeches, wild rabbits are a pretty uniform grey with white bobtails. These are black all over and mix with the grey rabbits but they are very distinctive. I don’t think I have ever seen black rabbits in the wild before.

I don’t expect anyone to believe me of course without evidence so I took out my Blackberry and took some pictures. Only problem is that yesterday I was working with some epoxy plumbing products and I must have handled the Blackberry at the same time so there is a smear over the camera lens. This has spoilt the focus. So, here is the best picture I was able to take I hope you will believe me that the big one is a rabbit (the two smaller blobs are baby rabbits). And they are black, really, the camera can’t lie, can it?

It does not really matter of course. If you went for a walk on the Beeches at the right time of day you would probably see the black rabbits too. But it has made me think about the difficulty of convincing other people to see the world the way you do. I don’t mean politically, I just mean getting a few people to decide that a course you are offering would be worth attending. What seems like a compelling invitation to me might actually be as convincing as my picture of black rabbits. Yes, you can see it but what does it actually prove?

Anyway, this is a reminder that I have a course this Saturday afternoon in Crewkerne. I will be exploring the concept of the web in Stav. If you train in Stav then you will be familiar with the concept and you will want to know more of how to apply an awareness of the web. If you are not a Stav student per se then understanding the web will enable you to make sense of the training you do engage in. Every human activity involves the web in some way or another, the issue is whether you are aware or not. More details here and there is a follow up seminar on the 24th of June which will explore the 5 principles of Stav.



PS Looking ahead to September we also have training with Ivar and a couple of weeks later there will be a seminar in the USA hosted by Allen Reed