Adapting to changes

Published: Wed, 02/01/17


Three good training sessions this week. The new chap from last week came back on Monday and has paid for the next month. Someone else new started at the CQC class yesterday and seems promising. As Hugh said, I should close a Stav centre more often, it seems to bring in new people.

The new arrangement from the beginning of April should make more sense for everyone. I will have a reduced financial commitment and yet still have access for most of the teaching I was doing anyway. The new tenant will have the opportunity to build up a business which will probably have a wider appeal than my classes do. The community will still have access to Stav training if they do want it, or high quality fitness training if they prefer.

So, I am now seeing the situation as an end of an era and a transformation into a new opportunity for everyone. You maybe thinking; ‘well you have changed your tune in the past few weeks’. Yes, I have and I was unhappy about giving up the exclusive use of the Stav centre. On the other hand adaptability is an essential human trait. There is actually a pretty predictable process which goes something like this.

Being attached to something, realising that there is a necessity for change, resisting that change and looking for alternatives, accepting the change, mourning the loss, recognising new possibilities and moving on to another cycle.

I had a suggestion that I draw a rune for myself at this time, I came out with Ar. The Ar rune means the cycle of the seasons. Spring follows winter and summer follows spring even if long warm days are hard to remember in the depths of winter.

The date is set to hand over the premises which is currently the home of the Stav centre at the end of March. After that there will be some equipment installed and there will be new sign and I am not sure what else. There will be a new floor, one thing we didn’t really change yet. Classes will continue and the dates for weekend courses with Fox in April and Ivar in September will be honoured. I will probably do a Saturday afternoon course once a month too. Apart from that it would be nice to hold more seminars elsewhere in the country too, I am open to invitations as always.

However, it would be nice to hold an event which marks the end of the Stav centre as it has been for the past 3 years or so. Venetia and I have discussed it and we would like to have an training course on the 25th of March, the last Saturday it is ours. We can provide a lunch and the cost would be 30 pounds for the day. As for the programme, I would invite suggestions for whatever you would like to see covered so long as it relates to Stav in some way. It might be something I can answer in five minutes, or your suggestion might result in an hour’s session, either is fine. Even if you can’t make it then please make suggestions anyway and I will see what I can video and post for you to see later.

I have not created a page or an event yet but I will do if there is some interest and when I have some suggestions for content. 25th March, Crewkerne. If you have not been before and this is your only chance to see the Stav centre as it is now then don’t miss it. Rest of the programme, including Foundation Training on the 11th of March is still at



PS The idea of adapting to changing seasons is beautifully summed up in the song ‘Turn, Turn, Turn’ I love this version by the seekers from many years ago please excuse the rather cheesy video that accompanies it!