The hardest thing of all

Published: Mon, 12/07/15


The hardest thing to do.

It isn’t to start something for the first time, that is easy because of the novelty and interest in a new experience.

The hardest thing is restarting something you know is worthwhile but you have not done it for a while.

It can be anything, work, exercise, social involvement, keeping up with friends, a diet, even a negative thing like stopping smoking and somehow you started again.

Why can it be so much harder to return to something than it was to start it in the first place?

Three probable reasons. Firstly, whatever it is, it is no longer a novelty and trying something brand new always has a special appeal. That particular appeal is no longer there.

Secondly, you know the less appealing aspects as well as the benefits. Before you went to the gym you imagined that it would be full of fit and glamorous people all working out hard in a clean and spartan environment. It didn’t turn out quite like that did it?

Thirdly, there is the shame of having failed to keep up the commitment you were so enthusiastic about for a day, a week, a month or a year. How do you face the people you feel you let down by failing to turn up?

I am feeling these things right now as I write this. Emailing is meant to be a major part of my follow-up communication with people who are interested in Stav. I have had phases of managing emails 3 or 4 times a week. But you might be getting a broadcast email from me for the first time. So, warning, I am going to overcome my shame and get going again. If you feel that I am filling up your inbox for no good reason just use the link below and unsubscribe and I will do my best to never bother you again.

Personally I am pretty good at maintaining my practice of Stav through my weekly training programme. I also meet my commitment of teaching four sessions a week at the Stav centre. What I am not good at is maintaining a commitment to follow up communication (call it marketing if you like).

If there is something you are missing from your life but you are afraid to pick it up again. Perhaps for one of the reasons I listed above. Maybe for another reason. Whatever it is give it another go, say sorry for letting people down if you feel it is necessary but get back in there anyway and stop putting it off.

I am currently planning Stav training opportunities for the new year. Weekly training continues at Somerset Stav Martial Arts and we have a list of dates for training in Salisbury. More details over the next few days. If it is Stav training you want to get back to let me assure you that you are welcome.



PS You could make restarting worthwhile activities and restoring beneficial relationships your New Year resolution. But why wait that long? Carpe Diem (seize the day).