Why am I receiving this message?

Published: Mon, 06/22/15


A week or so ago I launched a new list specifically for the study of runes. It got off to a good start and has about 17 people added with one or two new people each day. If you are one of those people then I hope you are finding the follow up emails interesting.

You will also get my broadcast messages. Sometimes I have a run of getting one out every day (which I did last week), sometimes I am lucky to manage one in a week. It mainly depends upon what else is going on in my life and how much time and creative energy I have to spare.

If you are new to this list you may be wondering why I do this? Well, partly because modern technology means that I can. A double opt in list means that there has been a deliberate choice to receive communications from me so I am delivering. If you decide that my ramblings are just cluttering up your inbox then you are fully in control. In case you had not noticed there is a link at the bottom of the page from which you can unsubscribe and you never need to hear from me again.

Of course just because I can does not necessarily mean I should. So, the real reason for my messages is that this is a first level of teaching Stav. Perhaps not quite the first level, the first stage is to make people aware that Stav exists and show a way that they can learn more. If I can get someone to visit a landing page (where you signed up for this list) then we can begin a transaction. You trade your contact details for the opportunity to learn something from me. The continuing relationship is based on me providing information of interest and on you opening my emails and reading them.

My aim is to build up a group of people who know that Stav exists and are aware of some of the history, ideas and teaching’s behind the tradition. In the absence of best selling books, popular TV programmes or university departments devoted to the study of Stav email lists (combined with Facebook) are currently my best option for educating people about Stav.

So, do I want more from you than just reading what I write? Yes and no. The world is a big place and travel is expensive. Most of us have limits on our resources in terms of time and money. So if just reading my messages and sometimes visiting the pages I link to is the limit of our interaction then I still value and appreciate your support. However, the sending and receiving of messages is intended to create a relationship and for some people this may lead to a deeper involvement, perhaps even going as far as attending the face to face training events which occur in Stav. Just to give you an idea of what does happen live:

In May I taught a weekend seminar in Sweden.

On Saturday we had a Mid-summer meet where I went through some of the more esoteric aspects of Stav which are not usually shared at an open class or course.

Tonight and tomorrow I am teaching the weekly Stav martial art classes.

Next Saturday I will be teaching a seminar in Salisbury.

In a couple of weeks time Ivar Hafskjold, my teacher, is coming to Somerset to teach at our Summer camp.

There is no substitute for learning face to face contact with an experienced teacher. However, first you need a reason to believe that Stav might be right for you. So, read my messages and maybe you will know one way or the other. Thank you for your continued support and interest.



PS List of training opportunities at http://www.iceandfire.org/calendar.html for when you are ready to take the plunge.