Quoting Yoda at Druid camp

Published: Tue, 07/14/15


As you may know I have been a regular facilitator at the Druid camp for the past 10 years plus. As well as doing a talk or workshop and probably some rune readings I take a morning Stav session from about 0800 to 0900 hrs. I usually get about 6 to 10 people coming and joining in. I keep the sessions reasonably light with an emphasis on the stances and having some fun with staff exercises or unarmed self-defence. Some people will do one session and decide that that is is enough. A few people make the effort to do every morning and even tell me that the Stav was the highlight of the camp. Some people prefer the Yoga sessions or circle dancing which are also on offer. Most people just prefer not the start the day so early. Any of these options is absolutely fine with me, the camp is meant to be a holiday after all.

What I cannot stand is when, on the last afternoon before going home, someone says to me (and at least one person does it every year).

‘I am really interested in Stav, I really want to do some training, I really tried every morning to come but I somehow didn’t make it.’

I am not generally a rude person but in those situations I have to exercise a little bit of self-control. The sessions are completely free, everyone is camping within a maximum of 200 yards from where the sessions take place, events, times and places are clearly listed on notice boards and announced in the morning meeting. The training each morning is appropriate for people who are looking for a gentle taster session. All you have to do is turn up. Or, if you want to, stay in bed, I just don’t want to know about your futile trying.

As Yoda says. ‘Do or do not, there is no try.’

Please don’t insult me by telling me you really want to do some Stav training when all that you had to do was get out of a sleeping bag and walk a few yards, probably in glorious morning sunshine to the flag circle where we meet and train. If it is raining there are marquees we can, and do on occasion, use (I try and grab the big one first before the Yoga class gets there, but even the smaller one is fine.)

I am very much looking forward to Druid Camp and I usually have a great time. Lets hope this year no one spoils it by telling me how much they really, really, really want to do Stav but, try as they might, they just can’t quite get out of bed in the morning. I probably won’t actually hit anyone, but as I get older I get less patient.

Anyway, on Thursday evening, 12 of us didn’t just try, but actually made it, to Somerset where we spent three fascinating days with Ivar. I am now editing the video material which I recorded. Later in the week I will get together with Jordan to sort out the material he videoed on the first day. So there is going to be a lot of good stuff on the DVD. A couple of talks from Ivar. Ivar teaching stances, unarmed combat, staff and cudgel. A talk and demonstration from me. It should be at least 3 hours of material once it is edited, possibly quite a bit more. If you have paid for a copy I will get it to you as soon as I can.

If you have not already reserved a copy you will be able to get one later but I haven’t decided yet what it will cost. There is a lot of good material there and there may never be another opportunity to catch anything quite like it. If you are interested in getting a copy I will post as sales page as soon as the edited version is ready.

In the meantime we have a couple of fetes to do demonstrations at, the above mentioned Druid Camp, Fight Camp a week later and on the 25th of July I will do a Self-defence seminar and a staff training session in Crewkerne http://somersetstav.co.uk/sd.html Next course in Salisbury will be on the 12th of September, http://www.iceandfire.org.uk/train.html

