Hagl, the simplest of symbols

Published: Fri, 06/12/15

Do you know what the Hagl rune looks like? I mean the version used in the younger futhork. It is just three lines that intersect at their centres, one vertical and the other two on angle, you can see one here if you are still not clear. http://iceandfire.org/runes/runes/hagl.jpg A very simple symbol and yet it represents the whole Stav system of knowledge, wisdom and training.

When I was in Sweden during May Gordon Woolmar gave a very interesting talk. One thing he said was that Stav could be seen as the ‘cult of Heimdal’ and the Hagl is is his symbol. So does that make Stav a pagan religion? Well, not exactly, certainly not in a way that would cause me as a practising Christian any problems. Also, the Norse rune rhyme goes:

“Hagl (hail stones) are the whitest of grains;

Christ formed the world in ancient times.”

Which annoys the hell out of Neo-pagans who desperately want to see Norse mythology as a basis for a genuine pagan religion. So what is Christ doing in a rune poem? I have no idea but it makes me smile.

Who needs to create a new religion anyway? To me religion tends to describe a rather narrow view of reality. I personally do believe that religion has its place which is why I am actively involved in the Methodist Church. It is not the whole story though and I am also looking forward to teaching at Druid camp and then Fightcamp this summer where I can explore and share other aspects of my devotion to Heimdal.

So who is this Heimdal? He is the teacher who acts in our world as bringer of knowledge and wisdom, if you have access to a copy of the Poetic Edda (or just find a copy online) you can read about him in the Lay of Rig.

The symbol of Heimdal is the Hagl. To me the Hagl is the ultimate teaching device. A bind rune constructed around the Hagl symbol will have a maximum of six aspects. If you need more that six aspects to teach a subject then you are making it too complicated. A bindrune can simply have three teachings divided into esoteric and exoteric aspects. The use of bind runes is a huge subject in its own right although it is all based on the three lines of the simple Hagl. I also use Hagl as the basis for martial arts training.

So, what does the cult of Heimdal require of its devotees? Gordon suggested a commitment to logic, knowledge and rationality all attitudes the world could certainly do with more of.

Why make martial arts a major way of practising and learning the ‘Cult of Heimdal’?

A great many reasons but lets start with these three: Firstly it keeps things real. People can get very exited about the runes and their perceived power. They want to learn how to bend the very fabric of the universe according to their will. They demand to be taught how to make this awesome power their own. They are willing to pay any price to become mighty magicians of wyrd. So I tell them to pick up a stick and do the stick exercises. Within a couple of hours they are back watching repeats of Game of Thrones or similar. Job done.

Secondly, Martial Arts provides a structure for teaching, practice and feedback. In a structured training programme progress should be clearly observable and new challenges are presented as and when the student is ready (even if they do not always think so). Mind, body and spirit is gradually integrated and balanced development is maintained. And don’t every underestimate how important it is to maintain balance, another teaching of the Hagl.

Thirdly, the combination of intention, action and movement is learned and applied. The aim of Stav is to bring about a ‘seeing of the lines’, an intuitive awareness of the web. This takes at least eight years of regular practice and I am not aware of any way of short cutting this process. When you understand the web you can bring about change by seeing the moment to act, being clear where you want to go and take only the movement which serves your true objective. This process can be learned, practised and perfected in the right kind of Martial Arts Training.

Not sure how well I have explained the significance of the Hagl. Problem is that reading is really only mind work, and maybe some inspiration for the spirit. Hagl teaches the integration of body, mind and spirit. If that is an issue for you then you know what to do. http://www.stavcamp.org

