I am becoming a geek!

Published: Fri, 04/10/15

Two days ago I started testing my first Facebook advert. I have a very simple advert promoting martial arts in Crewkerne. It is set to display to anyone between 18 and 55 years of age who is located in Crewerne or within 20 kilometres radius. So far there have been about 1300 displays of the advert and 10 people have clicked through to the Somerset Stav website. Nothing else yet but that is 10 more people aware of the Stav Centre and the training there who didn’t know before. Will it mean new students? We shall see.

I am also putting the finishing touches to my ‘runes course’ for want of a better description 24 messages in an autoresponder sequence which will cover the runes together with information on the Web of Orlog, stances, bind runes and other stuff. Content includes text, pictures and video. You may have seen some of the pages already and here is a link to the stances page which I have just created http://iceandfire.org/runes/s.html . I know I have been talking about this for ages and this weekend (if not by tonight) I will have the sequence up and running. Then again I need to test the promotion of it, I am telling myself that I am going to grow a list of 1000 from this sequence so lets see what happens.

Yesterday I bought a dozen packets of seeds, planted the contents of 11 yesterday evening and I will plant the last one today. We should be eating home produced vegetables in a couple of months.

All these activities are about planting something now which may produce results in the future. Nothing is guaranteed but we never get good at anything unless we take action, fail, learn from mistake, take further action and eventually get good at whatever it is we are working on.

I got a reminder yesterday of how long I have been learning Stav. I rediscovered a video on Youtube with Ronayne Marten Loderus in which he talks about Stav. The video itself was recorded in 1997 and it includes clips of Ivar and me which I think were recorded around 1995, it is strange seeing oneself from 20 years ago. You can see it here, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ts6Kc8BFVGQ it contains quite a lot of interesting stuff about the origins of Stav.

Anyway, I have set myself a deadline of tonight to get runes autoresponder sequence complete so that I can start testing ways of getting opt ins. I am becoming a bit of a sad geek am I not?

Have a good weekend.



PS All this online stuff is only to serve the purpose of getting people to learn Stav and do it in their everyday, real, lives. There is a full day, real time, real place, real people training available on the 2nd of May in Crewkerne http://somersetstav.co.uk/daycourses.html