Never mistake motion for action

Published: Tue, 12/09/14

Hi I decided on this quote for the board outside of the Stav Centre for this week. I know it is something I am often guilty of myself.

“Never mistake motion for action.”

Ernest Hemingway, 1899 - 1961, American Writer (Author: For Whom the
Bell Tolls )

Actions actually get results and makes things happen. Motion is, well just
moving. Just because you are moving and doing stuff doesn't
necessarily mean you are doing anything useful.

Pointless and unnecessary motion is at best a distraction and alleviates
boredom (for a while). At worst energy is wasted, problems are
caused and genuine opportunities for useful action are missed.

In Stav training one of the first things you learn is how to stand still
and not make unnecessary motion. When doing solo exercises the
emphasis is on the most efficient use of your body and your energy.
You learn how to take actions that have meaning and purpose. You
learn to see when you are making unnecessary motion and either learn
to become still or change the motion to a useful action.

When training for self-defence we must learn that pointless motion wastes
energy, provides an opponent with opportunities to attack which they
need not have, gives clues to our intentions and takes the place of
effective action. It is much better to just learn to be still and
observe than to move just because we feel we should be doing
something. All Stav training is about learning to see the difference
between pointless motion and effective action and behaving

This difference is essential in a combat situation but it applies just as
much in all aspects of life. Whether it be our work, our
relationships or our personal habits. This is why Stav is training
for life.
Are you the kind of person who needs their life to be a little outside of
the ordinary?

Stav training will take you places most people never dream of.

If you feel that it is time your life was devoted to action rather than
going through the same old motions you know what to do.

I will be sorting out a full programme for the new year next week but in the meantime there is a Self-defence seminar in Crewkerne on the 10th of January
Seminar in Minneapolis, USA in May
Stav Camp 2015 in July in the UK
In January I should be announcing an exiting opportunity to make Stav better known in 2015