So, what are the runes for?

Published: Tue, 11/04/14

I mentioned a few weeks ago that I am posting a rune of the week on
the noticeboard in the window of the Stav Centre, you can see the
content by following the link at the end of the message. Anyway,
seven weeks in I posted Hagl yesterday and I decided it was time
for some more explanation for the people who have got in the habit
of stopping and looking. So this week I added the following notice
along side the information and pictures relating to Hagl.

"What is the significance of the Runes?

Stav literally means 'knowledge of the rune staves'. For
the Hafskjold family this knowledge of the runes was the basis of
their education system for many generations. The runes provide a
non-literate method of passing on essential knowledge and wisdom
from one generation to another. In some ways this is not so
necessary in the modern world with books and various other forms of
data storage, including of course the internet, being readily

However, just because a method of learning and communication
becomes unfashionable and falls out of favour does not necessarily
mean it has no value. In the modern world we have access to
limitless information, but how much really useful knowledge is
gained? And, I may be cynical, but there seems to be very little
genuine wisdom around. How can you really learn and develop in
essential knowledge and true wisdom? In my experience it is best
to study something that is quite simple but develop a very deep
familiarity with the subject. Eventually you will discover what is
revealed to you. Accumulating endless information is likely to be
no more than a diverting entertainment. Delving deeply into
something simple yet profound can eventually bring enlightenment.

Stav as a Martial Art teaches how to use the runes in the following

The Sixteen Runic Stances. Performing the stances on a daily basis
can bring considerable benefits:

. Improved posture,

. Deep and natural breathing,

. Maintaining a full range of motion in the body by stretching
and toning sinews and tendons

. Cultivating a relaxed and focused state of mind.

All students of Stav are expected to learn the stances and practice
them regularly.

The Web With a practice of the stances we can begin working with
the Web from which the runes are taken. Knowing the web will
enable you to see the structure of objects and events in time and
space. In martial arts terms this means:

. Understanding the structure of the body, how to develop and
protect your own body while seeing how to unbalance and control an
opponent's body.

. Seeing the lines for attacking and defending using weapons.

. Being able to predict where an attacker will be if they
continue with a particular line of attack making it easy to counter

Training using the stances and weapon training drills will
cultivate an understanding of the web. Once this understanding has
been properly grasped the nature of the web will be seen in all
aspects of life.

The Principles of Stav From the runes we can also learn the Five
Principles. Knowing these principles provides us with fundamental
strategies for dealing with any encounter we have with other people
(or even other dangers). Each principle teaches us how to
understand our role in any situation. Understanding role means
acting in the way which will be appropriate and thus dealing with
the situation most effectively. The two person training in Stav
develops this awareness of the five principles and enables intense
practice of of the principles in a totally practical way.

If you are reading this then you must be at least a little bit
curious. Week by week I am providing an education in the basic
meanings and associations of the Runes with the display on your
right here. There is a great many things that can be learned from
knowing the runes. However knowing how to use them in a martial
arts context means exploring the runes in body, mind and spirit.
Why not find out for yourself?"

So that is what I posted in the window this week. I have also been
creating pages with rune of the week and quote of the week
archives, both linked from Next
chance for training is on the 15th of November in Salisbury and there is the
opportunity to train with me in the USA in Minneapolis on the 9th
to 11th of May next year

