More stupidity from yours truly

Published: Thu, 01/23/14

We had a CQC (close quarter combat) class last night. It went very
well but one thing that needed to be emphasised is that your most
powerful weapon and your biggest liability is always your mind.
Think about what you are doing and you can usually avoid conflict.
Let your thoughts run away with you and like as not you will find
yourself in some kind of trouble. I have had a couple of occasions
recently when I have managed to screw up in a significant way. It
didn't involve violence I am glad to say but I came very close
to getting hurt on one occasion as I wrote yesterday. So I have
written an article trying to explore how the mind works and why it
is sometimes unreliable. You can read it here:
PS We have training scheduled for the USA 29th to 31st March in
Williams Town, NJ Link here
I will be teaching a similar programme to the one described at